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Hopefully, we got you here before your baby was born. If not, that’s okay! But if we did, it’s because you recognize the power that knowledge has, and you’re ready to take a breastfeeding preparation class! If your baby is already here, you may be in desperate need of the confidence and reassurance that an in-home breastfeeding visit provides. 

Good for you! 

You’re already off to a great start!

The Omaha Baby Nest provides group and in-home private breastfeeding classes to women and their partners wanting to learn more about the basics of breastfeeding to get off to the best start possible for mother & baby.


**Next group class- Jan 11!

In-Home Visits
A Mother breastfeeding her little baby b


If you have already given birth and you have come to us for breastfeeding help, you are in the right place. We truly understand and we know that the struggle is R.E.A.L.


R - Recognize there is a problem - Clearly you’ve done that if you are here. We can help you figure out exactly what the problem is!


E - Examine your options for assistance - Our training, certification and experience, coupled with our deep desire to support you, make us the obvious choice for breastfeeding assistance!


A - Accept the assistance - Accepting help is not easy and we want you to know that it DOES NOT mean failure. It means SUCCESS. Accepting help can empower you to reach your goals!


L - Listen to your inner voice - That’s right! Trust your instinct. You know what you need. Don’t let anyone lead you away from your inner voice!


Your 90 minute in-home visit will include a thorough discussion of your concerns, an infant weight check, professional breastfeeding support to assess latch, enhance confidence, work on positions and determine if specialty referrals are necessary.

The Omaha Baby Nest provides group and in-home private breastfeeding classes to women and their partners wanting to learn more about the basics of breastfeeding to get off to the best start possible for mother & baby.


**Next group class- Jan 11!

Mother Breastfeeding Baby


Breastfeeding With Confidence $50.00

During this 4 hour class, attendees will be equipped with information regarding:


  • The physiology of milk making

  • The birth and breastfeeding connection

  • Feeding positions

  • Myth-busting

  • How to avoid complications

  • When to seek help for issues

  • How to pump and store your milk

  • How to ensure your newborn thrives!


Snacks and drinks will be provided.

Partners are welcome to attend at no extra cost. 

Class is held at Hoogeveen Chiropractic & Wellness Center- Bellevue

Space is limited! 

The Omaha Baby Nest provides group and in-home private breastfeeding classes to women and their partners wanting to learn more about the basics of breastfeeding to get off to the best start possible for mother & baby.


**Next group class- Jan 11!

Serious calm careful young black mom sit

The Omaha Baby Nest has created a way to receive expert breastfeeding support in the safety and comfort of your own home despite the current COVID-19 social distancing and quarantine recommendations. During your one hour virtual consultation, our Certified Lactation Counselor can asses external latch, discuss weight gain or supply concerns, and come up with strategies to implement to help you through basic breastfeeding challenges. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and have access to us for 1 week of follow up phone support during normal business hours. You're not in this alone!

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